Luke, the Gospel in Parables

Jesus’ disciples asked him what this parable meant. He said, “The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables, so that, ‘though seeing, they may not see; though hearing, they may not understand.’ [Isa 6:9] – Luke 8:9-10

Luke’s gospel retells the stories of the life of Jesus.  Matthew and Luke have very similar stories, and probably used Mark as an original source.  They also have a few stories which are unique to each, including Jesus’ birth narratives.  It is believed that Jesus’ mother, Mary, was also a source for Luke’s gospel.  Luke’s message doesn’t just end with Chapter 24 either; the Acts of the Apostles were also written by Luke.  The two books give a more complete picture of the life and ministry of Jesus with his disciples. Following Jesus’ ascension into heaven, the Acts then tell of the life and ministry of those disciples to share what they learned and experienced in Jesus.

Each of the 4 Gospel accounts have slight differences, but continue to tell the consistent story of God’s love and grace for all people.  Luke puts a good deal of emphasis on the parables Jesus taught.  It may seem strange to us that Jesus only spoke in a way that they might not fully understand… through these stories.  But God’s presence within the stories gives both context and meaning.  When we read stories in the Bible, often the context and meaning are confusing to us.  Our world is so far removed from the practices and attitudes of these ancient accounts.  AND YET, I am often struck at how little things change within the hearts and minds of people.  It is only through prayerful contemplation that God can inhabit this Living Word and speak once more into our lives.

May you feel God’s Spirit leading you through the gospels this Lenten season and may you have ears to hear and eyes to see God’s great love for you.

New Testament readings through Lent:
March 10 Gospel of Luke
March 17 Gospel of John
March 24 Palm Sunday
March 28 Maundy Thursday service at 7pm
March 29 Good Friday service at 7pm
March 31 Easter Sunday

All: You know, O God, how often we set our mind on human things instead of divine things. You know the ways we try to force your Spirit to fit our agenda, to manipulate your grace for our own ends. You know that we are prone to thinking of our desires long before we ever consider yours.  We confess these things to you, praying that saying them out loud might make us aware of our own brokenness, so that we can also be more aware of your ever-present grace. Startle us with your truth and your love. Set our minds and hearts on you, and lead us on your way. Amen.

Lent Spiritual Practices worship services at 6:30pm:
March 5 – Ash Wednesday service
March 12 – Fasting/Worshipping God with our bodies
March 19 – Prayer Practices (focus on the Lord’s Prayer)
March 26 – Meditation (5 senses prayer stations)
April 9 – Confession & Repentance

Holy Week Services:
April 13 – Palm Sunday Worship
April 17 – Maundy Thursday service 7pm in Garden Sanctuary
April 18 – Good Friday service 7pm in Main Sanctuary
April 20 – Easter Sunday worship, breakfast, egg hunt, celebration!

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