Listening to God

That day when evening came, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let us go over to the other side.” Leaving the crowd behind, they took him along, just as he was, in the boat. There were also other boats with him. A furious squall came up, and the waves broke over the boat, so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion. The disciples woke him and said to him, “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?”

He got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

He said to his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?”

They were terrified and asked, “Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey him!”

-Mark 4:35-41

“Quiet!  Be still!” These words of Jesus often ring in my mind and spirit.  When life feels like a raging storm all around me, I remember Jesus calming the storm.  Last week I had an endoscopy to check out my esophagus and stomach.  I have struggled with some stomach problems recently and the doctor wants to check everything out.  I also had surgery on my left hand.  (Last month it was my right hand.)  Since I’ve been through this once before, I feel a little better prepared and know some things to expect.  But as many of you have experienced, our bodies don’t always heal the way we anticipate.  I’m also on my second round of antibiotics to fight a strep infection in my throat.  So I’ve been feeling anxious and a bit scared lately.  It feels a little like a storm.

What helps in that time of storm?  Listening to God.  There are times when my mind swirls like a storm and I have to be still and quiet in order to hear something other than my own fear and to-do lists in my head.  Rather than just focusing on the loudest noise around, God desires to give us a calm spirit that isn’t full of anxiety or fear.  God’s desire is for us to trust him, not be afraid and have faith that God is in control.

I want to share a special thanks to Pastor Sara Benedetti for filling the pulpit this coming Sunday, March 30.  Our daughter, Vivienne, is in competitive gymnastics with Mid-Columbia Gymnastics Academy.  Her tournaments are on weekends January-March.  It keeps us busy and at times away from church on Sunday.  We are blessed to have Pastor Sara and Bob Merriman as well as so many others who are capable and willing to fill in on occasions I am away.  What a blessing to serve with a strong ministry team!  Vivienne did very well in this, her second year competing.  She made it to the state competition which will be this coming Sunday, March 30.  So I will be with my family in Tacoma, cheering her on.  My prayers and love are with you all as you worship and discern together with the Elders on Session where God is leading our congregation.  May you keep listening to God as the Holy Spirit guides.  Keep looking to Christ, the head of our church!

This week at our Spiritual Practices worship we will focus on meditation and listening to God.  If this is new to you, I encourage you to join us at 6:30pm Wednesday.  We will practice Lectio Divina (divine reading) and give an opportunity to listen to God.

Lord, you call, but we do not always recognize your voice. Sometimes we don’t listen carefully. Sometimes we’re caught off guard. Lord, you call,but we haven’t always taught others to hear you. Sometimes we stand in the way, allowing our voice to ring out over yours. Lord, you call, but we don’t always believe our ears.  Sometimes we believe we know better. Sometimes we think you can’t possibly be calling us, or her, or him.  Forgive us, Lord, our unpracticed listening, our closed ears. Help us to hear. Amen.

Lent Spiritual Practices worship services at 6:30pm:
March 26 – Meditation (Lectio Divina)
April 9 – Confession & Repentance

Holy Week Services:
April 13 – Palm Sunday Worship
April 17 – Maundy Thursday service 7pm in Garden Sanctuary
April 18 – Good Friday service 7pm in Main Sanctuary
April 20 – Easter Sunday worship, breakfast, egg hunt, celebration!

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