Let ALL the Voices Rejoice!

Psalm 150

Praise the Lord.

Praise God in his sanctuary;

    praise him in his mighty heavens.

Praise him for his acts of power;

    praise him for his surpassing greatness.

Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet,

    praise him with the harp and lyre,

praise him with timbrel and dancing,

    praise him with the strings and pipe,

praise him with the clash of cymbals,

    praise him with resounding cymbals.

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.

Praise the Lord!

Several people asked for my Top Ten list from Sunday’s Route 66 Wrap-Up sermon.

Here is Pastor Hanna’s Top Ten Things we learned from the Bible:

  1. God created everything to be in relationship.

  2. People continue to fail in our relationship with God.

  3. God doesn’t give up on us.

  4. God gives opportunity for us to change, repent, and restore.

  5. Prophets are given visions to guide us and understand why things happen.

  6. Jesus is the answer to relationship with God.

  7. Love God and love others.

  8. Forgiveness is powerful.

  9. God wins in the end.

  10. God can use anyone to accomplish great things.

This Sunday in worship our Chancel Choir, Praise Team, Agape Ringers, Brass Ensemble, singers and musicians have prepared a very special worship service.


Psalm 150 is the last of the Psalms.  It reminds the people that everything should bring Praise to God!  All the instruments, all the voices, the animals, and even the heavens give praise for God’s power and glory.

We have also prepared a special THANK YOU to Bob Swoboda for his years of service leading worship as Director of the Chancel Choir.  Bob and Vicki are not leaving us.  Bob is simply passing the director’s baton on to Chelsea Spence Crane who will be leading our choir this fall.  Bob, your musicianship has continued a legacy of excellence here at Kennewick First Presbyterian.  More importantly, your faith and love for God’s people here has been a powerful reminder of God’s love.  Your music, your prayers, and your heart have brought us closer to Jesus.  Thank you.

Please join us this Sunday for worship at 10am and bring a friend to enjoy this special Music Sunday service.

Hear my voice, O Lord, when I pray.
Hear my prayer when I cry from the lowly place;
In your mercy, Lord, let me stay;
Hear my voice, O Lord, when I pray.  Amen.

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