God of Peace

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. -John 14:27

Sometimes my desire for peace is selfish.  I just want to be confident that things are ok… the people I love are safe and happy, and we will have plenty of the things we want.  Peace, “shalom” in Hebrew, is not simply about serenity and calm.  It’s more active than that.  Shalom conveys “healing”, “wholeness”, and God’s presence with us.  In the midst of the storm we can experience “peace that passes understanding” because God is with us in the storm.  When Jesus told his disciples that he was leaving them and that he would be sending the Holy Spirit as the Comforter, he also blessed them with these words,

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. -John 14:27

The peace, shalom of Christ Jesus, is not like the desires we have in this world.  It is one in which we trust that God is truly with us and for us… that God is present in our situations, whether we are heading into battle, or resting in worship.  Jesus told his disciples “Do not let your hearts be troubled.”  My greatest desire is to have an untroubled heart.  What is troubling your heart today?  What do you need to work towards in order to be a “peacemaker”?  It may be that God is troubling your heart in order to spur you on to an act of bringing peace, shalom, healing, and wholeness to someone in desperate need.  This act of being a peacemaker, will give you the shalom of God which frees us from fear, trouble, and the worries of this world.

I ask you to please keep our staff and families in your prayers.  Libby continues to recover from her recent surgery.  Aeyana (our substitute secretary) has been struck with the flu.  Thankfully, Janis Braden has been available to assist in the church office this week!  Dave Harris is in Seattle caring for Sylvia.  Our son has just been diagnosed with Influenza A, so we will have online only Bible Study tomorrow and I pray that we will be well by Sunday.  Even in the midst of illness, recovery, and Christmas preparations, God grants us peace that passes understanding.  May you know God’s peace and presence today.

Last Sunday we lit the candle of Hope, remembering the hope which comes in Christ. This week we light the second candle of Advent, the candle of Peace.

God has a peaceful dream for the world, and we dream it too. We dream of a peaceful world full of wolves and leopards and lions eating and sleeping and dancing with lambs, kids, and calves. We dream of a peaceful world where nations come together, where war is a memory, and we eat at one table.  We light this candle in Peace.

We remember the Lord of All who brings peace surpassing all understanding.

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