
Then Job replied to the Lord:
“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted.
You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’
Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know…
My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you.”

-Job 42:1-5

Job had it all; a great family, a successful farming operation, health and a good marriage, a fulfilling life.  Then it was all taken away.  In one day he lost his herds and flocks, his children all died, he was stricken with illness, and his wife turned on him.  His friends came to comfort him, but they ended up blaming him for all his troubles.

In the end, God showed up in Job’s life.  God challenged him to not question “WHY?”  God’s ways are higher and greater than ours.  Even if we had an explanation, it may never be good enough in our minds.  The most critical thing about God showing up was the reminder that Job was not abandoned or forgotten.

In our lives, when everything seems to be falling apart, we might feel like Job.  We may ask, “WHY, God?”  In this life, we don’t get the answer to that question, “Why?”  But God always shows up.  God comforts.  God protects.  God provides.  AND God speaks to us.  Sometimes God does these things through the Holy Spirit and sometimes God does these things through His people, the church.

Job’s response to God showing up, was to praise God for letting him see that God was there.  In the end, all of the earthly possessions Job had were restored.  He had even more animals and children and success than before.  But it wasn’t until he encountered God, that he knew God’s love and comfort.  God will show up in your life as well.  God may use you to show His mercy, presence, and love in the life of someone else going through a hard time.  This Thanksgiving, as we gather with loved ones, we may see empty places at our tables.  We may ask, “WHY God?”  I pray that we will all experience God’s presence, comfort and peace.

Creator God, you knit all things together with your infinite wisdom. We confess that we are often foolish, yet believe ourselves wise. We ravage your creation, taking what we want without concern, searching for freedom and happiness, forgetting that our true purpose and joy is found only in you. We seek first our own good, heedless of our place as one strand in the carefully woven fabric of your world. Forgive us. Open our ears to hear you speaking, and our hearts to embrace your purpose. Amen.  

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